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Get Involved!

Patrons of the Performing Arts

The easiest way to get involved and help support our choir and drama program is by volunteering with our parent organization POPA! There is no financial commitment or membership fee to be a member of POPA, although we do accept donations.


POPA raises money to support our choir and drama programs by selling concessions in front of the auditorium. Volunteer for 1 hour or for 100, every volunteer makes a difference!


Scroll down for more information, or click the button to contact our POPA board directly.




Get involved in your student's fine arts education with

Patrons of the Performing Arts

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What is POPA?

Patrons of the Performing Arts (POPA) is a parent and community booster organization whose mission is to support through volunteers and fundraisors the students and teachers for performing arts at West Aurora High School. POPA is a registered 501(c)4 organization.


As a parent, you have a unique opportunity to support your child's performing arts education. 


Is there a commitment?

There is no membership fee to be a Patron. We ask only that you give what you are able in time or money to help support our students. 

Stay Connected!

Connect with POPA on facebook and twitter to keep current with everything PoPA!
How can I help?

An easy way to get started is by contacting our volunteer coordinator and volunteering to sell concessions.


If you have further questions, would like to get more involved, or would like to donate, please feel free to contact a choir director and we will put you in touch with our parent leaders on the POPA board. 

Monetary donations can be made with checks made out to: POPA.




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